
Industrial Process Water Treatment Plant

Industrial processes especially those involved in Food, Dairy, Power, Steel , Paper industries are the big consumers of water. Water is used for manufacturing , Cleaning & Washing, cooling , for generating steam etc and in each of the cases a definite water quality is prescribed. To attain the desired quality of water for a particular process, the available raw water is treated by designed set of treatment processes.

We design, manufacture, supply, erect and commission a wide range of treatment plants which find its applications in almost all the industries where treated process water is required. Our wide range of technical solutions and services, enable us to offer effective and guaranteed solutions to meet the need of every requirement from simple clarification to the membrane based plants.

We provide solutions to various industries which include: Textile, Pharmaceuticals, Iron and Steel, Refinery and solvent extraction, Steam and Power, Cooling tower applications , Laundry and washing, Food and Beverages, Hospitals, Sugar, Automobile, Agro based industries, Biotechnology, Electronic industry, Fisheries, Rice mills, Bottled water…..and many more. We offer Pressure Sand Filter , Activated Carbon Filter , Side Stream Filters , Softener , De-Alkaliser, DM Plant , Industrial RO Plant , Combination of more than one for achieving the desired quality.